As the Corvidae Fly

Copyright Urban Mole 2016

A beautiful aspect of winter is the chance to rise in the dark at the start of the day. If you’re fortunate, your coffee may be brewing as the sky pales and you catch a flock of crows flying hundred-fold under the last stars, calling out or soaring in ragged spirals before playfully chasing each other onwards to their feeding grounds.  The flocks can number in the thousands, taking several minutes to pass, coming from roosts that may contain hundreds of thousands. What better way to enjoy breakfast?

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Dag SkovAs the Corvidae Fly


Copyright Urban Mole 2016

Trust is a mountaineer’s rope made from the laces of dead climbers’ shoes. It is predicated on truth values but incorporates fallibility because often the thing you trust, or the class of thing you trust, has been known to fail. Scientists sometimes lie, air planes occasionally fall from the sky. Trust becomes a matter of probability, if you’re so inclined to calculate it. If not, let someone calculate it for you and trust their results.

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Christopher MollisonEugoogleogy